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Lynn67 Asked June 2017

Can the facility ask her doctor to prescribe medication to stop the assault and aggressive behaviors?

My mom had dementia X10 years and lives in a Alzheimers Dementia care facility for five years. After several small strokes, she has lost her ability to talk except for a word or two here and there. She can no longer walk after the physical and occupational therapist refused to treat her saying it was the dementia that was stopping her from walking, but I suspect it was their fear of her assaultive and aggressive behavior.
She is otherwise, playful, friendly with staff, family members and other residents and she loves music and dances in her wheelchair and tries to sing songs she remembers. I'd hate to see her personality medicated into a zombie like state like some of the other residents and we cant afford to move her or take care of her ourselves. What can I do.

jjariz Jun 2017
In dementia, medication should always be the last choice for modifying aggressive behavior. Staff should be trained in how to handle this behavior. Really good idea from freqflier to look for causes of this behavior. Fear and pain cause a lot of acting out. Keep a log of who is involved (which staff member), when it happens, where, etc.

freqflyer Jun 2017
Lynn, my Mom had a very serious fall where she hit her head and that put her into accelerated dementia. Because of the accelerated dementia Mom couldn't remember how to walk, much less stand up. Physical therapy was tried for a couple of weeks, but sadly it wasn't helping, so the physical therapy was scratched.

As for the aggression, I am really surprised that the facility doctor doesn't prescribe something for your Mom to help calm her down. Or does your Mom need to get permission from her own family doctor?

Is there a pattern when this aggression surfaces? Is it first thing in the morning? Or does it show up later in the evening? As you mentioned your Mom is otherwise playful and friendly. Check for a pattern. Have someone make a note of what times. Something as simple as drinking milk or orange juice can change a personality if someone is highly sensitive to a drink or food. With age, new sensitivities will crop up.



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