Help4Widow, So sorry for your loss of your husband.
Some who have cared for their husbands are still here, posting and helping others. Make yourself known by coming back here, and yes, a grief support group can put you with others going through similar sorrow, and the key is that you won't feel so alone.
Cdnreader, Thank you and you are welcome! However, I cannot take credit for the work of so many other community members here starting so many threads for themselves and to help others journeying through a difficult time after loss, and resulting in making a good life for themselves.
Some former caregivers have exemplary stories, and if you stick around long enough, you will meet them, and they may be able to help you not to feel so all alone!
Hoping each day gets better for you, and the pain lessens as you remember the good days of a lifetime knowing your Dad. Sorry that you are missing him.
Help4Widow, My condolences for your loss. You have come to the right place!
Many caregivers on this forum have lost a loved one, and are grieving, even working through their own grief by supporting new friends found here. (even Cdnreader). These are a few of the special threads for you:
Grieving: Things I wished I'd known about grief.
Love Notes from caregivers who have lost someone
Regain life after losing a loved one
Life after the loss of a loved one
And, a few more carefree topics:
Gardening as therapy
These are a few of my favorite things
The Celebration thread
Enter any of those into the search bar by clicking on the three vertical lines in the blue bar above.
6 Answers
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So sorry for your loss of your husband.
Some who have cared for their husbands are still here, posting and helping others.
Make yourself known by coming back here, and yes, a grief support group can put you with others going through similar sorrow, and the key is that you won't feel so alone.
Thank you and you are welcome! However, I cannot take credit for the work of so many other community members here starting so many threads for themselves and to help others journeying through a difficult time after loss, and resulting in making a good life for themselves.
Some former caregivers have exemplary stories, and if you stick around long enough, you will meet them, and they may be able to help you not to feel so all alone!
Hoping each day gets better for you, and the pain lessens as you remember the good days of a lifetime knowing your Dad. Sorry that you are missing him.
Thank you for all the support and wonderful threads that allow us to share.
Sending love and hugs to everyone.
My condolences for your loss.
You have come to the right place!
Many caregivers on this forum have lost a loved one, and are grieving, even working through their own grief by supporting new friends found here. (even Cdnreader).
These are a few of the special threads for you:
Grieving: Things I wished I'd known about grief.
Love Notes from caregivers who have lost someone
Regain life after losing a loved one
Life after the loss of a loved one
And, a few more carefree topics:
Gardening as therapy
These are a few of my favorite things
The Celebration thread
Enter any of those into the search bar by clicking on the three vertical lines in the blue bar above.
My deepest condolences and sympathies on the passing of your cherished husband. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the pain and sorrow is deep.
I found this website that might help:
I would also suggest visiting these websites for support:
What's Your Grief
The Grief Healing Blog
The Grief Recovery Method
Ask the hospital
Resources through the community and church
Take care, my friend. Thinking of you. Sending you love and hugs.
To find grief support groups in your area, call your local Agency on Aging. They should have a list of such groups.