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Labmom Asked July 2017

What address do I use on mom's checking account along with social security and Medicare?

Mom is in California and went into long term care. I am her POA and live out of state. Question is on her checks, and checking account. What address do I use along with social security and Medicare and Medi-Cal? I want to use my address out of state, however I had read another person's post that said their parent was denied equipment from Medicare because the parent was out of state, they assumed by the address. Personal mail goes to mom at the skilled nursing facility. I'm trying to figure out how to handle the rest. It would be nice if these organizations had residence address and mailing where I could give them the facility where she is at for living and mine out of state for mail. How has anyone else handled this situation? Also, I'm just POA. I am not on her bank account other than that. Should I have my name added to her account as a user?

Llamalover47 Jul 2017
No mail should be going to her at all. I assume that you set up online banking under mom's assets with you as a signer? If you didn't, that's how it should be done.

Summer55 Jul 2017
Good advice from harpcat, I am my mom's poa and I do the same thing no problems so far, and it's been over a year now


kalkal Jul 2017
You do NOT have to have an address printed on checks. Mine have my name only. I did have to order by phone, not online, but I have 3 accounts and ordered checks from 3 different cheap printers by calling the 800 number. The coupons you see with Sunday newspapers still work for lower pricing. Each account has different pattern.

Labmom Jul 2017
Thank you all for your responses it helps very much. I know I worry a lot but there are so many different scenarios. I have opted for on-Line statements where I could Great idea. I don't know how to deal with IRS guess my next step. I like c/o with my name & address not sure if that works on soc security site and IRS. Thank you.

Harpcat Jul 2017
A good suggestion about opting out and doing online with YOUR email. I do that also. There are a few things I have mailed but most is online.

chrismsherman Jul 2017
I am the POA for both my parents and use my mailing address for their finances, medical and other billing. I pay their bills using their accounts or I use my credit card. So far, not an issue with Medicare. My mom just got a wheelchair and PT via Medicare.

AmyGrace Jul 2017
When Mom's dementia got bad, I changed everything to my address and sis and I had both our names added to her bank account signature cards on lawyers advice.  When she passed, the accounts became ours as joint owners. 
I lived in the same state, so I didn't have an issue with medicare as you might. Would it work if you used the address "c/o" so it would be obvious that you are just a "mailing address"? Can you request a form from govt agencies to make the distinction between residential and mailing addresses?
Even for medical and social security I used my address. I learned the hard way after social security sent her IRS tax form to her IL after she was moved to AL. The IL sent it back "return to sender" and I didn't realize until I tried to do her taxes and found it missing.  Older seniors move through the system of home, to IL, to AL, to NH and its hard to remember who to send change of address cards to every time.   It took months to get another W-2  and I had to jump through hoops.  From then on I changed all correspondence to be mailed to c/o me.

gladimhere Jul 2017
Opt out of mailed statements and such. Request online access and address mom's business online instead. That way mom's address will be on everything, but she will not receive the mail.

Harpcat Jul 2017
Some places require a copy of your POA to add you and also to mail things to your address. My dad lives in my state and everything is mailed to me. My dad can't and doesn't handle bills and I'm afraid he'd lose them. There has been no issue with it.

cdnreader Jul 2017
Dear Labmom,

Is it possible to ask these places to send information to two addresses, one to your mom's care facility but also a duplicate to your out of state address?

My father had me added to almost everything from utility bills, bank accounts, life insurance, anything he thought I might need permission to ask questions about. It is a lot to take on, but that might be easier in the long run.

I might also ask Medicaid directly about the mailing issue.


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