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cadams Asked July 2017

It's 11:30PM and mom has talked non-stop today. Any ideas of what is going on?

I tend to think it's connected to her recent fall. A few months ago, mom fell and talked until 5:00AM at the hospital. This time, we've been back from the hospital for 4 days before she started the non-stop talking. She had much bruising from the fall, broke the bones around her eye socket and also was found to have a UTI. She finished her antibiotics 2 days ago. Any ideas of what is going on? Cadams.

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2017
I would suspect that the UTI back, which is probably why her doc told you ER. Do you have any at home test straps? Can you get a urine sample to a lab?

cadams Jul 2017
Mom talked 'til 6:30 a.m. this morning and then finally went to sleep and has been sleeping mostly all day.... I DID call the Dr. He told me to go to ER. No help. I called the neurologist. She doesn't see any connection here at all between the fall and the non-stop talking (to whatever she sees and hears that is not necessarily rooted in reality). The neurologist told me it was ok to just give her the seroquel which causes her to sleep alot..... I still feel there is something going on. Meanwhile.......I'm going to take a much needed nap..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz cadams


Sunnygirl1 Jul 2017
Your profile says that your mother has dementia. Has it been diagnosed as being caused by Alzheimers or Vascular Dementia? It could be related to the fall or a progression of the condition. I'd discuss it with her doctors. Some people with dementia may talk quite a bit, since they quickly forget what they have already said.

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2017
This is a change in mental status and needs to be reported to her doctor today.

cdnreader Jul 2017
Dear cadams,

I'm so sorry to hear what is happening with your mom. I would seek a second and third opinion from the doctor or a neurologist as well. The fall could have affected her brain somehow. Or if she is nervous after the fall and feels the need to keep talking to ensure she is alright. I don't know if this somehow related to some anxiety from the fall. I hope the doctor can do a further evaluation.


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