My mom is in stage 7 of Alzheimer's. There is this resident that was moved into my mom's cottage because of bad behavior problem in another cottage. She yells out all the time "help me" you can hear her scream outside the cottage. Her niece says that she just wants attention. But when she yells you go to her and ask her what she wants and she laughs and says "nothing". I have complained and so had a few other family members. And they tell us there is nothing they can do. Please help. What can I do? I feel that this is elder abuse because it's scares my mom and the other elder in that cottage.
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One pour soul screamed like a wild animal
Occasionally the longstanding evening nurse will go sit with one to keep her company but since she's in the room next to mom I will open her door and go fetch someone if she continues for too long
My mom's first roomie screamed all night in a foreign language - after 4 days they moved her
Another roommate screamed herself into panic attacks thinking she couldn't breathe all night so they eventually moved her
I've noticed mom says help me a lot now too and her caregiver says she does during the night - she's not screaming and seems to just want assurances that she's not alone
If this is distressing your loved one, I'd discuss it with the facility to see what the options are. It's my experience that the facility will want to make things right.
We are a non -complaining family and mom takes stuff in stride.
One evening, roomate was banging on her table with a glass bottle, screaming for aides. Mom looked terrified. SIL emailed me.
I emailed the SW and director about the abusive environment that my mother was being subjected to. Roomate was moved by the time I called to check at 10 am.
Have you requested facility to move a more compatible client in with your mom?
Ivan tell you, if your mom is quiet and not moving about anymore, she is the type of patient a facility will pair of more combative person with. The reason is the agitated person is less likely to be pushed into further bad behaviors by a client who makes little to no noise, movement or complaints.
Your best recourse may be to ask for ombudsman to meet with you and facility to work out a better arrangement. Or you may have to request and pay for private room.
Those are experiences and resolutions I've had to deal with.
Hope this help.
Feel free to reach out and I'll elaborate if you like.
Who have you complained to? If not to the top administrator on site, then do so, in writing. Complain of an abusive and threatening environment. If nothing is done, you go to the ombudsman.