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Ayla2013 Asked July 2017

What to expect when a friend becomes violent at rehab?

Never before seen violence in a patient. Friend became violent at rehab. Just before he was scheduled to come home. He baricaded the door with another patient in it and broke a window. Now he is being transported back to hospital for evaluation. What to expect? He's never done this before. Thanks.

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2017
He might be transported to an inpatient psychiatric unit for evaluation and a medication adjustment.

Someone should make sure he doesn't have a Uti which can cause psychiatric symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, paranoia) in elderly patients.

Ayla2013 Jul 2017
Friend became violent at rehab. Just befor he was scheduded to come home. He baricaded the door with another patient in it and broke a window. Now he is being transported back to hosp. For evaluation. What to expect? He's never done this before. Thanks



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