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New2This123 Asked July 2017

Anyone have a shower chair recommendation?

I need to buy a shower for my elderly, obese (200lbs), mother. Currently, she is able to walk with a walker, but she has really bad arthritis in one knee and it can be very difficult for her to stand from a sitting position. I am overwhelmed by too many choices on the internet and have no idea what to get for her. I'm also frustrated by the prices. Any recommendation for a suitable chair at a reasonable price (less than $100) would be appreciated.

jamesleber Aug 2017
I'd recommend you to buy a sliding transfer bench with swivel seat. It's quite pricey but it worth the money spent. Before that I used simple shower stools and they weren't so comfortable. You can check my post at Hope it will help. You contact me as well.

cwillie Jul 2017
I'm not going to recommend a specific chair, but I will share something I have learned. While definitely not the cheapest option, I would look for a chair with a back and arms, and if practical possibly one that can also do duty as an over the toilet and bedside commode. Over my decade of caregiving I was endlessly frustrated that as mom's needs increased the devices we had chosen no longer were up to the task and we had to shop again, costing more money in the long run.



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