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Debrisberg Asked July 2017

What does this mean?

Mom is 86 in a nursing facility with dementia, diabetes, chf, copd, and renal failure. 4 days ago she went to bed and has not been up since. She has not eaten and only takes sips of water. We have had to up her oxygen to 5 liters on the concentrater and still can't keep her Sats above 90. She sleeps most of the time, talking jibberish in her sleep, reaching out for things that aren't there. She became totally incontinent. She is on hospice has been for 4 months. The hospice nurse says watch and see an just keep her comfortable. Is this the end? How long can it go on?

Countrymouse Jul 2017
Every good day is a bonus.

I'm so sorry for you and all your family (especially not forgetting your mother). It's not just that you don't know what to expect or when, you end up not even knowing what it's best to be hoping for for your mother.

But meanwhile, bon appetit to her! Hugs.

freqflyer Jul 2017
Debrisberg, sounded like your Mom had what is called a "rally", and that is very common. Both my parents did that. Sometimes the rally will last only a day or sometimes much longer. Then comes the wait and see.


Debrisberg Jul 2017
Go in this morning everyone is surprised. Mom got up, ate breakfast and lunch, and took a shower. Was awake most of the day. Was very tired. Of course remembers nothing about the last 4 days. Even the nurses didn't expect the turn around. Late yesterday her hands were mottled, turning purple. We will see what the next few days bring.

vstefans Jul 2017
It sounds like it is a matter of days to maybe a week or two but yes, ask her nurse or doc - sometimes they think we know more than we do. Sorry to hear this!

JoAnn29 Jul 2017
This I a question for the hospice nurse.


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