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Hugemom Asked July 2017

What is the best soap to use that is easy to rinse and doesn't leave a residue?

My husband is bedridden and I give him a complete "washdown" once or twice a week. Can you advise me on what sort of soap to use that is easy to rinse and doesn't leave a residue? He is quite heavy and has many folds in his skin. Thank you!

Grammyteacher Jul 2017
I ordered no rinse body wash from Amazon. That is what I use for my mom but and I always have the medical professionals comment on how nice her skin is ;-) We also make sure to give her lots of protein in her diet... That helps with skin break down as well.

Hugemom Jul 2017
Thank you,cwillie. This is what they used to do at the rehab center he was at. Our local pharmacy sells it by the gallon and that is what I'll get. He suffered from very degraded skin before he went to rehab and the aides at rehab cleared it up for him. I don't want to let it get bad again. Thanks again for your advice.


cwillie Jul 2017
I wouldn't use soap at all, in my opinion it is almost impossible to completely rinse the skin when you are doing sponge baths. For mom I used No Rinse body bath, you just squirt some into your wash water and clean as usual.


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