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MsParker Asked July 2017

Where to find skilled nursing facility in Las Vegas?

It's for my 8 year old who lives at home with me.

GardenArtist Jul 2017
To find other parents, I think your best shot is finding a support group. Search for groups with the medical classifications for your daughter's situation - i.e., special needs children. Again, contact the big hospitals in the Vegas area - they usually have better outreach programs than smaller ones.

MsParker Jul 2017
My daughter caught Viral menegitias at the age of 4 it left her total care.She has all of these services were I currently live was hoping I could find some other parents with special needs kids in the Vegas area to give some insight on how it is living there with special needs kids.Not sure if I'm in the right group to ask these questions but I thank you all for your answers!


MsParker Jul 2017
Thank everyone you all are amazing... your answers really opened my eyes to alot of things that I did not think of before !

GardenArtist Jul 2017
For her trach care and any (PEG?) feeding tube issues, I assume you have a respiratory therapist, GI doctor, or someone in a particular specialty? You could ask that person who he/she would recommend in the LV area.

If your youngster has dysphasia, or other specific medical condition requiring a trach and tube, are there any organizations you've been involved with? They might have lists of recommended doctors in other areas.

I've been researching and trying to find dysphagia groups locally but haven't been very successful. I did see that there might be some affiliated with Parkinson's support groups.

Hospitals in our area have referral lines; ask those in your current area if they have any affiliations with out of state hospitals.

That's perhaps another option: ask your current doctors which hospitals they would recommend in the Vegas area. I myself would be partial to a teaching hospital. Then call those hospitals for lists of specialty doctors such as the practice area of those helping you now.

Make a list of issues important to you, as well as the conditions your youngster has - you'll need a medical history anyway, and this will help in determining whether a particular LV doctor can provide the services you want and need.

On another level, if she has skilled nursing, I assume it provides limited home care? Has this agency made any recommendations that could help you? If you think you'll want both a physician (to script for home care) as well as the home care, you might want to find the physician first to ensure that care can be started ASAP after your move.

You might also ask the current home care agency if they have any recommendations for LV agencies.

Good luck; I hope you're able to work out the arrangements well before your move.

97yroldmom Jul 2017
I don't have the answer just wanting you to give more info so that someone who can help understands your situation better.

MsParker Jul 2017
My phone keep writing things lol in home nursing is what I was trying to put

MsParker Jul 2017
I currently reside in Indiana she has Skilled Nursing here .I'm relocating to Vegas trying to do things in Advance and get her nursing set up .I just put mobility because I didn't no what else to choose.She has a track and a feeding tube .I'm not looking to place her in a home she lives at home with us just in home skilled nursing facility her

97yroldmom Jul 2017
Regardless of age or location I'm thinking you need a doctor to indicate that your child needs skilled nursing. Can you tell us more about your situation? I see from your profile the issue is mobility. Are you no longer able to care for a child?


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