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testdepth Asked July 2017

Is it possible to send my father back to California for my sister to care for him but maintain myself in charge?

Sending parent cross country but maintaining all legal documents in place. I live in GA and I have a sister in CA that is an LVN and has offered to take my father. I am in charge of my fathers financials and healthcare via Durable Power of Atty, Advanced Healthcare Directive, Will and Living Trust. Is it possible to send him back to California for her to care for him but maintain myself in charge? 3yrs ago he asked her to do this when his mind was better and the answer was no, she was too busy.  I am only considering this due to facilities that bleed these older people dry like vampires.

testdepth Jul 2017
I have had to move my father from Assisted Living to an Assisted Living that has Memory Care as he now needs that.

My father resided in California for 41yrs in his home in Ojai that he paid off. He had been living by himself after his wife had died in 2002 and had no family close by to help him. My sister and brother lived 10hrs north of him in CA but rarely went down to see him.  I routinely told my father he needed to sell and move closer to family but all he wanted to do was kick the d*mn can down the road and finally I had to step in.  3yrs ago I was called by a Ventura County CA nurse who told me something needed to be done for him so I had to go get him because my sister and brother wouldn't help. At that time my sister was asked to come take care of my father so he could stay in his home. He would pay all bills and provide her a monthly income for doing so. When he died she could have the house. My sister refused and told my father she was too busy (not working at the time) to come help him. My father paid for her nursing school when she was in her 30's. I took care of everything without them even offering. I drove him from CA to GA and got him settled. I then went back to CA and updated his home and sold it in 2wks. Now after 3yrs my sister the LVN wants to care for him and has all the answers. My response I cannot type here but you get the picture. Her intention is to have him live at her house.

All of my father's paperwork was originally done in California in 2007.

Bleed them dry of all of their savings as I see some charge $10000 per month. Seems excessive.

freqflyer Jul 2017
Testdepth, I see that your Dad is currently in Assisted Living.... I assume it is not a skilled nursing home, correct? And now your sister has offered to take care of your Dad at her home, or will Dad be placed in another Assisted Living since he has Alzheimer's/Dementia [per your profile]?

Yes, you can continue to be Durable Power of Attorney even if your Dad moves to another State. But have your Sister take copies of all the legal documents to an Elder Law Attorney in California to make sure the language is accepted as States have their own separate laws regarding various legal documents, such as Wills, POA's, etc.

I am curious what you meant when you wrote "due to facilities that bleed these older people dry like vampires"???



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