Follow up. Mom's not admitting she had a bowel movement. She blocks it out completely. We get into the biggest argument because of that. Don't know what to do. Don't want to overdose her on laxative teas and pills. She even shows me when she had a bowel movement at the time she is happy. However 2 hours later she says to me 'give me a laxative pill I can't go to the bathroom" then I say Mom you went this morning after breakfast and you even brought me in the bathroom we were so happy you went, BUT NOW SHE DENIES IT. I'm at my witz end! What can I do? The other stuff she forgets, she will admit - end of story. But the bowel movement is another situation. I need your advise on what to do!
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The worst that can happen is that there's nothing there and you still have the false belief to deal with. But then at least you've got peace of mind that you're not ignoring a real problem.
No matter how much you remind her, it probably won't help her remember. IT's frustrating, but, may fade over time.