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Jules58 Asked July 2017

My dad has dementia and a suprapubic catheter and makes countless trips to the bathroom to try to urinate. What can we do?

Eyerishlass Jul 2017
When the cath was implanted did your dad receive bladder training in the hospital or at home by a nurse? It's a positive sign that he has the urge to urinate but I think this is where his dementia is getting in the way. I don't know how advanced your dad's dementia is so I don't know if he could retain and understand bladder training but since he has a suprapubic cath I'm thinking that he's being monitored by a home healthcare nurse? If so, speak to the nurse about it. There may be nothing that can be done and your dad may continue to go to the bathroom when he has the urge to urinate.

Make sure he isn't messing with the tubing out of frustration.

cdnreader Jul 2017
Dear Jules,

I'm sorry to hear what your dad is going through. I know its not easy. I would talk to the doctor or nurse and see if any adjustments can be made.



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