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gus1948 Asked August 2017

If I were to go to a hospital for hernia surgery because of pain, would the bill be paid for by my Medicare part A?

GardenArtist Aug 2017
Gus, the doctor who would perform the surgery (assuming it's necessary and can't be treated nonsurgically) would be the best to ask. Doctors often have staff who "board surgeries" as part of their job. They need to be aware of what Medicare will and will not cover. So call your doctor's office to get the assurance you need.

Do you have any Medigap insurance to cover the 20% that's not covered by Medicare?

Sunnygirl1 Aug 2017
Is it outpatient or inpatient surgery? I'd confirm which to confirm what counts under Part A.


JoAnn29 Aug 2017
Medicare only pays 80 percent. Supplimental may pick up the rest. Then, make sure the doctor takes Medicare. His bill will be separate.

cdnreader Aug 2017
Hi Gus,

I hope this link might answer your question:


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