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Sonyaleehagan Asked August 2017

Where can I find a facility for daily care for a dementia patient?

jeannegibbs Aug 2017
Are you in the US, Sonya? In what state?

freqflyer Aug 2017
There are two places for a person who has memory care. If a person is self-pay, Assisted Living/Memory Care is a good choice. Some States have waivers through Medicaid to help pay part of the rent.

If one needs help with paying for a facility and all the care, then Medicaid jumps in to help, and the main choice is a nursing home. One would need to apply and be approved by Medicaid [this is different from Medicare].

Or do you mean a place to take care of a person during the day, but they come home at night? Some areas have a special Alzheimer's/Dementia day care centers. You would need to check around, and see what is the daily fee.



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