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Care4John Asked August 2017

Is it normal for a middle to advanced stage dementia patient to not have a bowel movement in a week?

Midkid58 Aug 2017
IF she is eating normally, no this is NOT ok. Ever cleaned an impacted bowel?? No fun, I can assure you.

Once you start a daily regimen of some kind of stool softener, you may still have to deal with compacted feces in the lower bowel. Use suppositories designed for this. OR a very gentle enema (prepare the area where you do this with a waterproof layer and get LOTS of towels). Once that dry fecal matter moves, hopefully the bowels will begin to be more active.

Once every 2-3 days if the person is not eating well--but a week? Waaay too long. It's absolute misery to be that constipated. Keep the patient hydrated, too.

If these things don't work, head to the ER. They have had a LOT of experience with this. You may just not want to handle it.

Grammyteacher Aug 2017
For my mom we do a half dose of Miralax in her morning coffee, (4 ounces coffee with 4 ounces of vanilla ensure). If she doesn't go for 3 days, we give her Senna but that is rarely needed.


Care4John Aug 2017
Miralax daily and Dulcolax

cwillie Aug 2017
No, this is not normal, a week is too long even for those who do not go daily. Constipation is another one of the things that come up on the forum regularly with a myriad of solutions/suggestions. At this point you need to get a fast acting laxative, perhaps even suppositories or an enema. Follow up with lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains and make sure they are drinking enough.
What have you tried so far?

I have to add, there is a very real danger of a bowel obstruction or impaction, if s/he has any abdominal pain you should seek medical advice before using any oral laxatives.


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