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DCG8962 Asked August 2017

How do you deal with your mother, who gave up on life and is living very dirty?

Mother has gave up on life, she live by herself; she don't cook, don't clean, she don't bath. She wear the same old clothes for weeks and urinary on her self all the time. Our family is very concern about her well being.

Eyerishlass Aug 2017
Has your family tried to intervene on your mom's behalf? Have you taken her to a Dr. or considered a skilled nursing facility? When someone gets to the point where they can't care for themselves someone has to care for them. Is there anyone in your family looking in on your mom on a regular basis?

Also, what are your mom's medical/psychological issues?

sue888 Aug 2017
Call Adult Protective Services and ask them to do a welfare check. Your mother needs help.



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