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Yellowgirl981 Asked August 2017

Will nursing home still take my money when I go home from nursing home?

My sister lives in NJ. She got put in a nursing home by her hubby as she has Ms and now she's ready to come home. She's doing a lot better since her fall. She uses a walker. She recently got social security, 1700 a month and Medicaid. She said nursing home is taking all money from her to pay for nursing home and supposedly nursing home costs 10,000 a month. My question is that once she goes back Home to live with her hubby will nursing gone still be able to take out all her social security each month? I don't think they have a right to now? Does she need to call social security and tell them she does not want NH to be rep payee? When she gets home e she will need money to pay bills like electric, water, cable, and groceries, etc? Please tell me what she needs to do so she gets her social security money please advise thanks

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2017
Who is going to care for her at home? How will she pay for that?

JoAnn29 Aug 2017
The question that keeps popping into my head is...does the husband have guardianship. If so, its been deemed by a court that your sister cannot take care of herself. Even with a POA a doctor can say that your sister can no longer make informed decisions. Even a husband cannot just place his wife in a home unless there is somekind of evaluation.


JoAnn29 Aug 2017
If her husband placed hervinvthe facility, then he worked everything out. I will assume, since sister doesn't seem to know what is going on, that husband has POA. He may have signed to have home made payee of her SS. If Medicaid has also been set up and approved, then it was probably established she would be there for the rest of her life. If she is still married to husband, he may be held responsible for any monies needed to pay for her stay before Medicaid. This may sound harsh and I know you mean well, but I wouldn't get involved between a husband and a wife. When ur sister was placed in a NH she was evaluated. It must have been determined that she needs the level of care the facility provides. MS is a debilitating deases. Some people can go for years some it hit hard. My cousin had it and she had a great husband. After a full day at work, he came home to cook, do laundry, clean and take care of her. Without a complaint. But we all aren't made that way. One man I know left his wife. $1700 is not enough to live on. The medications your sister has to take or will need to take cost more than that. With Medicaid that is all covered. Unless you are willing to take this on, would leave it between your sister and her husband.

To answer your question, No, the home cannot continue to receive her money but she will need to change her payee back to her. I really think there is a lot more to all this. So hard to give you a good answer.

Yellowgirl981 Aug 2017
She currently has Medicaid now. My question is will social security continue to take her money out of her paycheck once she's home if she owes NH money? They should not be allowed to take all her money she needs money to live on once she goes home. Please advise

Yellowgirl981 Aug 2017
She currently has Medicaid now. My question is will social security continue to take her money out of her paycheck once she's home if she owes NH money? They should not be allowed to take all her money she needs money to live on once she goes home. Please advise

vegaslady Aug 2017
The Medicaid may have been approved with three months retroactive coverage. Get on it NOW and find out if it applied for and approved and if not, why?

Yellowgirl981 Aug 2017
What's process for her to get out of NH now? Does she need to contact social worker or doctor?

Yellowgirl981 Aug 2017
She just got Medicaid about a month ago so she didn't have Medicaid when she first got there. Will NH keep taking her money once she goes home?

jeannegibbs Aug 2017
Did she have Medicaid while she was there? Was she a Medicaid-pending patient? I think you will need a copy of the contract to figure this out.

Yellowgirl981 Aug 2017
No she is not in rehab wing but she is in the regular section now because her husband couldn't handle taking care of her. Supposedly she Owes money to NH but can they keep continuing to take all of her social security out once she goes gone? She needs money for her home expenses please advise ty

jeannegibbs Aug 2017
No, the nursing home cannot continue to charge her when she leaves the facility. Check the contract to see if there is a notice requirement (must give NH 30 days notice, something like that). If your sister has been in rehabilitation wing I doubt there is anything like that, but check.


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