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Aurora22 Asked August 2017

Can you get life insurance for someone who has COPD, congestive heart failure, is on oxygen 24/7 and hospice?

SueC1957 Aug 2017
So sorry, no. Insurance companies are very picky as to what disabilities they will accept, even if you're young.
The time has passed for getting insurance for this person.
I agree, put the money to a better use for end of life expenses (which can be very high, depending on what you want).

JessieBelle Aug 2017
Insurance companies are in the business of making money. Premiums of all older people are very high for a small policy and have to be paid for at least two years prior to death. If your loved one is on hospice it sounds like the time to purchase insurance has passed. Sorry. Guestshopadmin had very good advice saving the money to pay final costs.


Guestshopadmin Aug 2017
I would venture to say no, or only in a very limited amount, as benefits are usually limited for the first 1-2 years. And hospice typically kicks in with life expectancy of less than a year. You'd be better served saving the amount to be spent for premiums on a pre-need burial or cremation plan.


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