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EBeach Asked August 2017

What are some good quality pull-ups?

My mom is in a nursing home, and she is fairly continent, but she does wear pull-ups and a pad for when she can't get help into the toilet fast enough or just having accidents. The problem is, all of her pull-ups rip when people help her pull them up. I've ripped a few myself. Both the ones from the nursing home and the ones we have bought her that say they won't tear. Any suggestions on a good brand for pull-ups that will hold up to tugs throughout the day?

careisgiving Sep 2017
I use Abnea on my mother. They're a little price but they're hypoallergenic. I buy them off of Amazon. I insert Tranquility's booster pad into Abnea diaper. I also buy the booster off of Amazon.

talkey Sep 2017
Just ordered some Tranquility (Premium Overnight) for Dad, as requested by his facility for night-time use. We use other cheaper ones thru the daytime bc he's continent with assistance.


gladimhere Sep 2017
Try Tena.

97yroldmom Sep 2017
I haven't had this problem with any of the ones I've bought for my mother or my aunt.
My mother liked hers to fit very loose. So she wore a size that was really to large for her. Not sure if that helped them not tear. I bought them from SAMs. My aunt wears ones that fit better and she uses a large pad in them as well. Hers are from SAMs or Costco.


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