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Flashpoint Asked August 2017

How do I get my sister to see a doctor when she really needs to?

My sister has been on dialysis for over 24 years now. She lives in another state and her husband is her caregiver. She is very stubborn and WILL NOT go to a doctor. I just received a message from my brother in law saying that she has a temperature of 102 and is throwing up. She is always cold. She has rotten teeth because of low calcium and cannot hear and is legally blind. She has not had a fun adult life because of all of this so I can kind of understand her not wanting to go to the doctor when she has a problem, but this is hard on her husband. How can he get her to see she needs to go find out what is wrong. Should he just call an ambulance and make her go? She would be VERY upset.

cdnreader Aug 2017
Dear Flashpoint,

I know it would be hard on her husband but yes, please call an ambulance ASAP. I made the mistake of being afraid of my dad's reactions. I should have called the ambulance many times. Its always better to be safe than sorry.


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