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dolfinspirit Asked October 2017

My step-daughter was named DPOA for my husband before we were married. Does it remain in effect after his death?

 We live in TX. My husband recently passed suddenly of an aggressive cancer. We married just over a year ago and not expecting anything like this it was not yet addressed. Since his passing my step-daughter has let me know she has had his DPOA since he got very ill 2.5 years ago. Now that we are married, is her DPOA still in effect?

GardenArtist Oct 2017
Now that he has passed, the DPOA is not longer effective. It ceases at death. Marriage has nothing to do with it.

Did your husband create a will before he died? Or trust? The Personal Representative (f/k/a Executor or Executrix) or Trustee or Successor Trustee would have legal authority now.


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