I need a clear answer on this, I am my mother legal guardian, and my name is almost on everything. I quit my job to take care of my mother 24/7 for her dementia, congestive heart failure, uncontrollable diabetes, etc. Now because none of the other five siblings are qualified. I also have to use her money for our expenses, I don't have habits and I don't waste her money because it has to be reported to the state. Because I won't give them her money, no one helps me with her or call to check on her, not anything. So when she pass do I have to give them anything, is this a state requirement? Are there step I need to take now?
4 Answers
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This is the source of a LOT of anger, pain and families fracturing into bits and pieces.
Contact mom's attorney and look at the will, if you can. I am glad I did, as I found out Mother has been lying to all of us since--well, forever. The brother who stole $250K from her and dad stood to inherit 1/6th of her estate, even though he'd robbed my parents blind. (that brother is now deceased, and no provisions were made for his 5 kids.)
Joke is on all of us. She has less than $40,000 in all. Split 5 ways....big whoop.
Talk to the attorney and see what kind of files, notes, receits, etc you should be hanging on to for the sake of your sanity when the time comes. Even if you can't talk to the one who set up her will--it's still a good idea to cover yourself.
If her estate goes to probate, ( no will) very little actually winds up back in the family.
I'd say be prepared. And know in advance what to expect. Obviously. don't know your family, but inheritances and wills can bring out the worst in people.
You'll need to use an attorney but it can be billed to your mothers estate.
Better to be paid now and have it all neat and legal than to wait for whatever might be left over - and possibly having to beat back greedy relatives.
If you Mom has no Will, how far into her Alzheimer's/Dementia is she [as per your profile]? Does she still have clear moments where she is in the here and now? If yes, contact an Elder Law Attorney and have Mom create a Will. Make the appointment for the time of day that Mom is of clearer mind.