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helpneeditterri Asked October 2017

Help; I need to get PCA certification.

I need to get PCA certification can anyone help me on how to go about it? I need to be at home with my mother 24/7, and now I need to get payed for this. Just something to help; mom has only SS and that is not much. She is not good with caregivers, so I want and need to get cerification. Help! Thank you.

helpneeditterri Oct 2017
thank you i am trying to find away that i don't have to leave my mom i live in virginia beach va but to get a answer to this is every hard i get a difference answer every time

Countrymouse Oct 2017
Hang on.

If you are planning to look after your mother 24/7, why do you need the formal certification? Whose requirements are you having to meet?

Not saying it's not a good idea anyway; but who would be paying you, and what are their criteria?

If you Google PCA, you will get plenty of results. Pick, say, three-to-five course providers you like the look of - preferably ones local to your state - and check them out thoroughly before you commit yourself to anything. Or, you could approach your local Social Services and see if they can recommend a provider. But for heaven's sake don't pay anyone any money for training or certification without being certain that they're reputable.


Guestshopadmin Oct 2017
Each state has their own process. Your profile doesn't say what state you live in. Some states let you get certification online, but without knowing where you are...since you have computer access, do a search for Getting PCA certification in (whatever your state is).


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