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Quinault Asked October 2017

Is it common for dementia patients to go to bed in the middle of the day?

My mom has been in an assisted living facility for five years now, transferring a couple of years ago from the "retirement" building to the "assisted" situation when her care needs became greater. She was diagnosed officially with dementia in 2008. Although she appears to be doing very well, considering she just turned ninety-seven, she has been going to bed lately in the middle of the day -- sometimes in the late morning, other times in the afternoon. Since I visit her every morning, I am the one who gets her back out of bed for her exercise class when this happens; the care staff often find her in bed in the afternoon when they come to get her for another activity. This seems to be happening more and more frequently. She very recently had a thorough physical, and her blood pressure, pulse, and other vital signs all were within the normal range. But is this normal? I am, of course, concerned that we have entered a new stage of this disease. Thank you for any input you can provide.

anonymous275053 Oct 2017
Quinalt Your Mom has turned 97 years Bless Her and Your Mom's Body & Soul and Mind must be getting very tired too.
Yes It is highly probable Your Moms Dementia has progressed to the latter stages and it will be all down hill from there I am afraid. What an incredibly wonderful Lady though 97 years.

jeannegibbs Oct 2017
Naps are one thing, and fairly common. It sounds like your mom may be carrying it further. Increased sleep can be a sign of late-stage dementia. My husband was sleeping 20+ hours per day when we called in hospice. He died 5 weeks later. He was 86.

Perhaps discussing this with a hospice representative would offer you some perspective, even if you don't enroll her in that care program. Or discuss the new symptoms with the doctor who did the thorough exam.

At 97, and having had dementia for more than 9 years, your mother will be entering the final stage sooner rather than later, if she is not there now. Prepare yourself by learning what that might entail.


JessieBelle Oct 2017
My mother naps off and on during the day. She generally naps after meals and anytime she sits for a long time in front of the TV. What you're seeing is probably fairly normal for an older person, even if they don't have dementia.


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