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shirls1 Asked October 2017

I am looking for some sort of support group for my 87 year old aunt to attend. She is struggling with aging and wants to be with others. Any suggestions?

shirls1 Nov 2017
Thanks everyone I do appreciate the suggestions and feedback. She is very hard of hearing and quite stubborn so she hasn't tried much. I think I will look into private counseling right now.

Sunnygirl1 Oct 2017
I"m not sure how spry she is, but, the Silver Sneakers group at our local Y appear to have a great time every morning. They meet for their workout and then often meet elsewhere for coffee and breakfast.

One of the local churches has a midweek day meeting where lunch is provided and there's some kind of entertainment. All faiths are welcomed.


Katiekate Oct 2017
My mom wanted such a group. BUT, when I found one we learned the truth....what she really wanted was a place where people would be quiet and listen to HER vent. The group setting didn't work.

I found a therapist. She had a 2 hour session every Thursday afternoon. Mom wasn't interested in any suggestions....just wanted to talk.

Is your Aunt just looking to talk while someone listens?   day care programs might work for her if she really wants to share with others her age...otherwise, perhaps like my mom..she want someone to listen while she vents?

GardenArtist Oct 2017
What are her interests? Libraries often have a variety of groups, ranging from literary discussion to knitting. I don't know the age range, but it would be companionship. And it might be more beneficial as the topic wouldn't be focused on aging. A diversified group can offer just as much support b/c the ages and interests are varied.

If this is a possibility, check with the more upscale communities in the area. In mine, these are the ones that provide better opportunities for their residents.

I went to a few American Assn. of University Women meetings on international affairs. The conversations were extremely stimulating; most members were very conversant on the specific topic of the meeting. Unfortunately, there's only level of meeting that might be open to women w/o a degree.

The Jane Austen Society is also an interesting, and active group, if your aunt happens to be interested in Austen's literature. But beware of the post meeting food - it's all sugars and sweets, enough to create a sugar spike.

One of the meeting sites was a local Jesuit facility - beautifully decorated with a very unique atmosphere, some of which was Spartan and some of which was sumptuous (the art tiles in one of the rooms).

Given that the holidays are approaching, there may also be some opportunities with charities. I don't know if the Marine Corps Toys for Tots packaging and distribution functions are entirely handled by service members, but if they can use volunteers, wrapping presents for children and interacting with others might be a good activity.

Some food pantries might need help sorting food for distribution.

Churches are another option, especially ones which have outreach programs.

geewiz Oct 2017
What type of housing does your aunt have? I feel that most folks stay in 'their home' way too long and become isolated. Newer members of the neighborhood are raising kids and the older senior is just that--- not a part of the neighborhood. It may be more appropriate for your aunt to move to a continuing care community or senior housing where others have just as much free time as she does AND want to do things. Nothing worse than sitting in a house hoping the phone will ring!!!

Guestshopadmin Oct 2017
In the US, most cities have a senior center or Area Agency on Aging that have lists of places with activities. Many churches have day programs.


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