At 97 my MIL is in independent/assisted living in her own apt. She scoots herself in her wheelchair to activities and meals, which she says keeps her there at a cost of $4000+ a month, self pay.
Her dementia has now caused her to lose, or forget to pay bills all together.
Husband and I are not able to pay her bills but would like to assist her in banking but she adamantly refuses and continues to get phone shut off, late fees and such.
Husband is power of attorney and doesn't want to "stir her up" but knows she needs help. I have tried to gently tell her I can come and help her organize, write out checks and let her sign and mail. It does not go over well.
Any advice?
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Believe me, I know what you're going through. 8-12 months before I had to live with my mother, I gave her senior center individual the okay to balance her checkbook because I was asked to. What a mess that turned out to be! So when I finally had to move and LIVE WITH my mother out of state where she was "keeping house"-yea, -NOT!, the bookkeeper arrives at her my mother's house to balance her checkbook. She was $859 OFF AND HAD BEEN FOR 7 MONTHS!!!!!! My mother said "well, she'll get it right next month." In disbelief, I said "Mother, she doesn't get 7 attempts to balance a checkbook...she either balances or she doesn't!!" UNBELIEVABLE!
My dad protested vehemently when I took over. It was a real knock down, drag out fight. But now, he won't even open his mail. He turns everything over to me and has no interest in it. I have several friends who have had the same experience - parents have gone from "it's none of your business" to "I couldn't be bothered."
The fight for the checkbook is a battle worth winning.
Now he lives in a clean modest apartment he can afford, has everything he needs, including hot cooked meals 4 nights a week that I deliver and all his bills are paid for. I give him an allowance every two weeks so he still can feel independent to get groceries, go to the hardware store or whatever. The lessened stress has even helped his once lacking memory come back quite a bit. Good luck to you.
Eventually, he will HAVE to take over, and I don't envy him. Luckily, I guess, her slight dementia has made her much calmer and easier to be around.
Jeanne--I'm with you---a lot of my bills are autopay and I just get an email stating it was paid. I think mom, at 88 is just too old to wrap her brain around the computer--she's had several and cannot operate any of them.
No one wants to 'lose control'. Think about her situation and how to do a bit at a time. I began with 'Mom what are all of these papers?" The community newspaper from 4 months ago got a laugh and was tossed. The magazine from 2 years ago, tossed. Don't forget, most utilities (phone etc) you can add your husband to get a notice if they are in danger of shutting off.
Also, how does she pay for her monthly AL/IL fees? That has to be paid. I'd stay on top of that for sure. Do they have automatic draft for that? I suppose you could wait and see if she will accept your help later, but, I'd likely take steps to address it now. That's what is so sad about seniors taking measures to have help when they need it, but, then when they need it, they are mentally impaired and reject the help. It can be frustrating.
I know that at one point, my LO was very controlling and defensive, but, once she progressed, she gave up all her finances. She was so relieved when I took them over. She thanked me and said thank goodness. So, you never know how things will go.