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Elizabetha Asked November 2017

What care can I give my 93 year old mum after hip replacement while at home at night when needing to use the toilet?

She has left hospital after 9 days and can't bend or anything. I'm scared for her in night if needing to wee. She lives alone and although my sister and I see her daily now and she has help 4 times a day. She asked for one of us to stay with her. We are both burned out. I'm also a carer to my son.
If I stayed a few nights and she needed toilet in day and night, what do I do? I panic a lot and think I'd be useless.
Help please.

Irontony14 Nov 2017
Call Doctor, she need physical therpy

Elizabetha Nov 2017
Can urinals be bought which dont require any bending to get to them or to position them


Sorrynotsorry Nov 2017
I believe this is a patient on National Health from the UK. ( the term wee) 😉. I'm not sure how their system is set up there but perhaps try calling the Doctor.

BarbBrooklyn Nov 2017
Why wasn't she sent to rehab? I'd call the surgeon and see if that is still an option.

Hugemom Nov 2017
I am surprised that the hospital discharged your mom without making sure she could use the toilet. Have you thought of getting her a female urinal? Could she sit on the edge of the bed to use the female urinal. If she can get out of bed, put a potty chair a few steps away. Make sure she has nightlights everywhere. You could also investigate a night aide.


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