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breathedeeply Asked November 2017

HELP! Male Geriatric Case Manager Needed complex family situation ~ Jacksonville, Florida area

Re: Elderly parent plus two senior adult special needs siblings (I/DD). Live at home being cared for by another sibling with mental health issues; who is 100% dependent financially. Caregiving sibling is co-POA & co-trustee with two other siblings who live out of state. Caregiver is becoming territorial, angry and increasingly paranoid. (I am a caregiver myself in the trenches ten years, so please no judgments about picking on the caregiver. Person has a mental illness, was stable, now deteriorating.)

Parent not officially deemed incapacitated, but is. Doctor willing to write letter to this affect, but caregiver will fight this and create trauma; thus need for Care Manager Facilitator.

Seeking personal recommendation for a seasoned and very skilled case/care manager to help navigate the legal, financial and health decisions for these folks. Person needs to be male and preferable caucasian to have any chance of buy in, as caregiver is extremely prejudiced and misogynistic (incredibly sad I know, but that's where we are).

YES, APS/911 will be called if needed. However, as anyone knows who has called APS, bad situations can get exponentially worse with that route. Looking for way to avoid trauma & drama of a worse case scenario. Family has resources so that is not a problem. Thank you.

freqflyer Nov 2017
breathedeeply, your question is a good one looking for personal recommendations, as our elderly parents won't work with just anyone.

This website is world-wide, lot of caregivers from over the pond, so to have a family caregiver from your home town, who has used a care manager, won't be easy. If there is one from the Jacksonville Florida area, hope they will hop on and give you an answer :)

breathedeeply Nov 2017
Thank you cwillie, I clarified my post. Many calls have already been made. What I am asking for here is first hand recommendations from someone who had worked with someone already, as I've had much better luck with personal recs. best~


cwillie Nov 2017
I think what you might be looking for is a geriatric care manager? If you scroll down to the blue area at the bottom of the page you will see a link to the geriatric care manager page, from there you can find links to those from your own area.


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