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Slough Asked November 2017

Only income is social security and we're looking for assistant living. How do I start? Contact Social Security, Medicare?

seawolf7071 Nov 2017
GardenArtist.... yes, I have. The situation has changed. I had to take her to the hospital. She was admitted, and after the conference with the Case Worker tomorrow, Monday, the state will be taking over her care. Now I can get on with what quality of life I have left. The problem that I have been experiencing is the lack of information that I have been able to garner from the State entities. After trying the "normal" avenues, and being misdirected at every turn, A Care Worker from the Hospital has come to my rescue. I showed her the answers to what I had been asking and she laughed, and referred to them as "advice from a jail house lawyer", which held no credence to what is actually involved. I know that all answers were with the best of intentions, BUT, the understanding of State rules and regulations are beyond the general public's 'knowledge'. Pass along , that 'WELL INTENTIONS' Are just that, intentions. Next time I have a question of this magnitude, I will just go to the break room of the nearest Hospital and ask a Nurse. They seem to be more knowledgeable than people on the Internet. Along with that, I asked for advice about the kids. No one had an answer, or even a suggestion along that line. Thanks, but, no thanks Folks. That is all, over and out.

GardenArtist Nov 2017
Seawolf, have you followed up on any of the issues/suggestions raised in your earlier post:


BarbBrooklyn Nov 2017
Seawolf, where is your ex living?
You can call your local Area Aging on Aging ( check your county website for " services for the aging or elderly" and ask for a needs assessment. Start there.

seawolf7071 Nov 2017
Ex-wife's two children don't want much of anything to do with their Mom, saying that she is my responsibility. She is almost totally unable to do anything on her own. We have been divorced for 3 1/2 years. I am not able to care for her as my health is failing. What can I do ? How can they be held responsible for getting her help? HELP !!!

freqflyer Nov 2017
Slough, are you looking for Assisted Living or for a skilled nursing home? These housing terms usually mean different things depends on where you live.

Let's view Assisted Living.... this type of housing is usually self-pay and the average cost is around $6k per month for basic needs.

Let's view skilled Nursing Homes.... this type of housing can be paid two different ways, either self-pay or having Medicaid footing the bill. Medicaid is different from Medicare. Medicare, nor Social Security, have anything to do with housing.

Since your Mom's monthly income is low, her best bet would be a nursing home. She probably will qualify for Medicaid, then she will use some of her social security with Medicaid paying the rest of the balance.

Here is more information on Medicaid, which is run by your Mom's State. Each State has their own rules and programs:

Hugemom Nov 2017
I don’t think either one of those covers Assisted Living. I believe you’re on your own as far as paying for that.


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