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eeyore12 Asked November 2017

Alz and aggressive behavior. What can family do?

I saw a man the other day w Alz who was highly aggressive. He was combative,would hit staff and cuss a blue streak would hit other residents who would fight back. What can family in a situation like that do? I know there are specific Alz units, I wonder what they can do when someone goes beserk. In the regular nursing home the papers we signed said they cannot tie a resident down and cannot lock them in a room etc. I know also a lot of times the kindest most pleasant people turn into the above mentioned when Alz takes its grip. So tragic.

MsMadge Nov 2017
The behavior is really one of the most difficult aspects of dementia and unfortunately there is no magic formula - there is medication and hopefully the family has a care provider to work with the man in finding one which will calm him without overly sedating him


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