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golfer Asked December 2017

Besides guardianship which is time consuming and costly,what can we do?

I got a POA of both Health and Financial. He is moving the person to a home he is buying even though she doesn't really want to go and doesn't really understatnd. He is paying himself about $50,000 a year without a written agreement and then is going to charge her rent in his house they are moving to. He is also selling the old house even though that is where she has lived for years and using that money from proceeds to pay health cost. Besides guardianship which is time consuming and costly,what can we do?

golfer Dec 2017
It is a friends mother and her elder attorney at $380 an hour can only come up with guardianship which will cost $50 to 60 k

golfer Dec 2017
He is Poa not me


JoAnn29 Dec 2017
Yes, POAs override other people unless they have guardianship. Who is he and what authority does he think he has to do this. I agree, a lawyer is needed because this is abuse. Even with a POA its abuse. You can pay the Lawyer out of the persons money who assigned you as POA.

Mincemeat Dec 2017
Get a lawyer, preferably the one who wrote up the POA documents. You now call the shots, not whoever "he" is. Who is "he" and who are you in relation to the patient.?


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