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dontknowwhy Asked December 2017

I am at a loss as for what to do.

My boyfriend is bedridden and I am his caregiver. We have fought on and off for the duration of his disability. We did so again this morning now he wants to leave and won't let me help him at all. He has not eaten all day and won't take his pills. He says he is going to do that till he gets sick enough they will take him to the hospital and then he will tell them he does not want to go back home. I really don't know what to do. Usually he calms down after a bit but he has not as of yet.

dontknowwhy Dec 2017
I am 50 and he is 57 so you made a good guess there. Being bedridden the only way he can get out of the bed is to have an ambulance come get him out of it. I am small and he is large so no way I can do it. The fighting does add to it, but sometimes it is the smallest thing that sets him off, today he thought I rolled my eyes at him. But really he woke me from a sound sleep and i wear glasses so i was trying to focus my eyes. I told him that but he said he saw me and i was lying. It went downhill from there. I am sure he has some depression but he won't take pills for that. I know it is hard on him but I don't think he knows how hard it is for me too. Sometimes I think he thinks I should just be able to do everything he needs no matter what. Oh by the way I have MS too.

Midkid58 Dec 2017
Maybe he really does want to give up. You don't state your ages, by your referral to him as you "boyfriend" kind of sounds like you are in your 50's? Just a guess.

My mother has decided to give up. So she is. She'll eat just enough to keep from starving. She's still sort of taking her meds. She's diabetic and if she so decides, she has our blessing to quit taking those and accept Hospice Care and pass away.

I do hope you can get your bf to a dr., to just assess him. He's being a bit selfish, as this does affect you, but in the end, he has a right to do what he wants.

Why does he want to go to the hospital? He doesn't want to be home? Has the fighting you alluded to added to this?

Some more information would be helpful.


dontknowwhy Dec 2017
Thanks, he has a catheter and they do not think he has an infection. He has been like this since I have been here. I think he wants to give up.

freqflyer Dec 2017
If you are able, take your boyfriend to his primary doctor and see if by chance your boyfriend has an Urinary Tract Infection.... such an infection can make an older person very angry and unreasonable. The infection can be treated with antibiotics.


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