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JMC860 Asked December 2017

What will Medicare do if my mom sells her house?

She moved in with my father in Maine. Her house is in Connecticut. I am trying to sell her house for her. Will she lose the money from the sale of the house to Medicare?

igloo572 Dec 2017
Should mom - now living in ME - need to go into a facility & apply for Medicaid to pay for it as she’s run out of $, Medicaid will require extensive details of mom & dads financial history. As a part of Medicaid’s “5 yr look back”, state can do a deep dive into both their banking. Gifting of $ to family not allowed. The situation for couples & Medicaid are oodles more complicated & different than for a widow or widower. If only 1 of then should need a to be paid by Medicaid facility, Medicaid does NOT expect the still living in the community & still at home spouse to themselves become impoverished. But how to keep assets and be compliant for Medicaid needs an atty well versed in Maine’s Medicaid eligibility requirements. Really your folks will be well served to spend some of the $ from house sale to meet with an elder law atty to discuss options as to how their joint & individual assets & funds are best distributed. As they are a couple, I’d suggest they find atty who is NAELA.

Even if it’s looking like they have plenty PLENTY of $$$, doing proactive for Medicaid planning is worthwhile. NH can run easily 6 figures a year per person. Often the costs are a total shock for them & family to realize. All that $$$$ pfffft!

It’s great she’s selling her place in CT as property in another state is viewed as a nonexempt asset for Medicaid so would keep either of them from being eligible should they need Medicaid.

balancedCaring Dec 2017
Medicare does not take anyone's funds.

I think you must be speaking about Medicaid which monitors any excess income coming to the person being medically supported by Medicaid. If the title of the home is in her name only, then you DO need the expertise of a lawyer specializing in Elder Law. Please do not sell her home without researching its financial consequences.


BarbBrooklyn Dec 2017
Medicare, or Medicaid?


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