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hardtocope52 Asked January 2018

Our Mom recently asked an acquaintence of ours to "shoot her" because she wants to die. The people were upset. How do we deal?

Mom is in rehab because of a broken hip. She keeps telling us she wants to die and be with her husband! These people dropped by to see her and she asked if they owned a gun. She then requested that they come back and kill her. Both of them were very surprised and uncomfortable with her request and quickly left. We are so embarrassed.

MsMadge Jan 2018
It all depends on your mom's personality and the amount of pain she is experiencing

There have been times when my mom with a broken back in rehab has voiced similar requests and she was in great pain but did get better

Now that she's immobile she will sometimes make a comment that I should kill her and get it over with but I just make some light hearted comment and redirect her - I know well enough when she means it or not

Dementia causes some absurd behavior and chatter which can be shocking until you've been around it some - hopefully her friends will come back and bring her a treat - visitors are so important to break up the day

vstefans Jan 2018
Get her some psych help, right away.


SnoopyLove Jan 2018
Poor lady! Definitely, if this behavior is new it is definitely concerning and should be addressed by some sort of medical professional, as soon as possible. So sorry your family is going through this.

97yroldmom Jan 2018
Don’t waste your time being embarrassed. That’s not going to help your mom.
There is a problem.
It could be her medication. She might be in pain. It could be the after affects of the anesthesia which is sometimes slow to wear off. It can take a long time. In some cases it is the beginning of dementia. Physical Therapy is very hard. Usually one has to take pain meds in order to deal with the pain in order to do the therapy. It’s a fine balance.
I’m not sure where you should start but a geriatric psychiatrist, a neurologist, a geriatric primary, a talk therapist all come to mind. She may even have a UTI which can cause dementia type symptoms in elders.
Give your mom a hug. She must be very upset.
If this isn’t consistent with her pre surgery mood and demeanor I would tend to think it has something to do with the after effects of the surgery.
How long has it been since she had the surgery?
Come back and let us know how she is doing.


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