My mom told me she didn't turn it on by choice. Then my brother came to stay for the holidays and turns out it doesnt work. Had the gas company come out and they said it was broken. She doesn't have labor protection so they can not fix it. So now I have a 66 year old lady that will not leave the house in a house that is freezing. I dont know what to do. I call around and I've been giving two numbers for PCA but they are closed today because of the bad weather. She has space heaters now but I have fears on that and the stove. I have a young friend whose house burned with her, her unborn child and 2 yr old in it. It was on the news. I also take care of my dad but he is easier to deal with more willing to except what I tell him is helpful. Mom thinks I'm trying to take her sanity from her. I dont want her to get more depressed than she is but what do I do? Who do I call? Can anyone help her and if so, how do I find them? OK I vented a little too, sorry, but I hope you can provide me some guidance. Thank you. Lucy
5 Answers
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This is a tough decision, do you and your brother chip in to get the furnace repairs or replaced? Then the water pipes break due to the cold. Would you and your brother chip for that, too? Before you know it, you will be rebuilding your parents house.
I would have thought that with the broken furnace and lack of funds would be a wake up call for your Mom but apparently not. Time for her and your Dad to move to a senior apartment complex where the rents are based on their income.
I know, lot easier said than done.... [sigh]
If mom has physical or mental problems that keep her from caring for herself then you need to alert local authorities that she is a vulnerable adult in need.