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WeezieAnn Asked January 2018

My sister has moderate dementia, is a heavy smoker and won't quit. Does anyone else have a family member with dementia under age 65?

Sunnygirl1 Jan 2018
My LO was diagnosed with significant dementia (Vascular) when she was 62 years old. She never smoked, but, her family had years before.

Are you caring for your sister? I discovered that dementia patients in Memory Care in my state are allowed to smoke if they wish, but, they have to go outside with a person to supervise them. (They have a secure area located outside, but, there still must be a person supervising. I guess due to handling the lighter and making sure they don't burn themselves.)

jeannegibbs Jan 2018
Only about 5% of persons with dementia develop it before age 65. I think there are a couple of people on this forum who are dealing with it. Do you have specific questions for them?

About the smoking ... why do you want her to quit at this time? What have you tried? Does she explain why she doesn't want to quit?


freqflyer Jan 2018
WeezieAnn, I am moving your question to the front of the list. Hopefully a caregivers who has gone through this issue with a person who has dementia and is smoking, can help you.


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