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Meg1948 Asked January 2018

My name is on my mother's checking and savings accounts. Do I need a power of attorney?

She has no property and owes credit cards only in her name. Do I need a power of attorney? And when she dies can I access the money in her checking and savings to pay for her funeral?

Countrymouse Jan 2018
As your mother has Alzheimer's/dementia, is she able to give you POA? She can only do that if she has sufficient mental capacity.

If she can't, or won't, she has still authorised you to operate her accounts by adding your name to them; so you can do that.

It is also fine to use the money in a deceased person's accounts to pay for her funeral.

What are you planning to do about the outstanding credit card debt? You can speak to the companies with your mother's permission, but you might have trouble if your mother can't help you make the calls - they ought not to talk to you without your mother's say-so.


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