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SonGivesCare Asked January 2018

Is mom (has Alzheimer's) entitled to her social security check?

My sister, Executor of our parent’s will, has not let our mom have her social security check of about $1,100 per month, since dad’s death over two years ago. There are several hundred thousand dollars in the estate and mom’s home is fully paid for. I left my 20+ year job in NY to care for mom in PA so she could stay in her home. I am the main caregiver and sole provider. I work nights for $11/hour to care for mom during the day and take mom to my sister’s on my work nights; sis works days. As mom’s condition continues to deteriorate, she needs more help with bathing and dressing. As her son, I am uncomfortable helping mom with those but on our limited resources we can’t afford to hire help.

notrydoyoda Jan 2018
I meant to type, don't spend your money on your mother's care. Spend her money on her care.

notrydoyoda Jan 2018
" limited resources" but "There are several hundred thousand dollars in the estate and mom’s home is fully paid for."

Sounds to me like their is plenty of money for your mother's care which means that you really didn't have to quit your job. Are you durable and medical POA for your mother or is your sister.

What your sister is doing is wrong. Tell her to stop of you will report her theft to the police and you will get a lawyer to prosecute her to the full extent of the law. Take no prisoners despite her being your sister. Look after your mom and yourself.

Also, your mom really needs female help since you are her son. Don't spend your mother on her care. Spend her money on her care, You said she has several hundred of thousands.


JoAnn29 Jan 2018
Executor only comes into effect when person dies. Even POA doesn't come into effect unless person can no longer make decisions for themselves. Is sister payee. Is her name on the checking account? SS now requires direct deposit. Call the Social Security office and see if payee can be given to you.

SueC1957 Jan 2018
If sis doesn't immediately turn over money so your mom can get in home aide help for bathing and have her money pay the household bills, tell her you know the law and you are contacting an elder law attorney who will settle the problem in court.
Time to play hard ball with your sister!

CarlaCB Jan 2018
If you are saying that you are supporting your Mom while your sister keeps your Mom's money for herself, that's not right at all. Your mother's money should be going to her living expenses and to her care. Is your sister building an inheritance at your expense? Is she putting the money aside for your mother's needs or spending it? It's not clear what's going on here, but the bottom line is what Jeanne said: Being conservator of the estate does not permit your sister to control your mother's money during her lifetime.

needtowashhair Jan 2018
Being executor of a will doesn't mean anything while the person is still alive. That's your mom's money. Not your sister's. I would have a serious conversation with her.

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2018
Did you think that giving up your job was a good idea at the time? I'm not sure I understand why you are working to pay mom's expenses, when mom has an income, however small, from SS.

Does sister hold Power of Attorney? Have you considered leaving and going back into the job market , and letting your sister deal with mom's needs? I think that might be a good plan for you.

jeannegibbs Jan 2018
"Executor " does not apply until the principal dies. It does not confer ANY authority while the person is alive.

gladimhere Jan 2018
Mom's funds are for her care. What is sis doing with the money? Hopefully paying mom's household expenses. Get a prescription from mom's doc for the help mom needs at home.

Hugemom Jan 2018
I don’t think being an executor of Mom’s will allows your sister to deny your mom’s right to the best care she can afford. In my experience as both executor and POA for my mom, I did much more for my mom as POA. Does your sister also have POA? Do you have any access to mom’s money? What happens if Mom has to go into a facility? Her savings will dwindle very quickly then. If Sis agrees to use Mom’s money to pay for Home Health Care, Mom could probably stay in her home longer.

I might engage the services of an Elder Law attorney. Have them send the bill to Sis.


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