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stressedoutbypa Asked January 2018

My father was admitted to a nursing facility after multiple falls at home. If I sign him out, will I be in trouble should he fall again?

golden23 Jan 2018
Wny are you thinking of signing him out?

Sunnygirl1 Jan 2018
I might try to focus on what is causing the falls and how he might be helped as BarbBrooklyn said. While falls may happen anywhere, there may be more support and supervision for him in a facility. I'd discuss it with his doctor and the facility to see how dad might be served the best. Also, is he in rehab? I'd beware of doing anything against medical advice.


BarbBrooklyn Jan 2018
Is your Pa in the NH for rehab, or is he there for long term care?

Who do you expect you would be "in trouble" with?

If he is in rehab and Medicare is paying, you would be signing him out Against Medical Advice (AMA) which might have implications for Medicare paying if he falls again.

Are you thinking that you've solved the problem of why he falls so often?


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