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sandyflo64 Asked January 2018

Is it normal for life style and routine to change in dementia patients as the seasons change?

Since after Christmas my dad's habits have changed. He doesn't wake up or get up out of bed until much later, some times around 2 or 3 oclock in the after noon, dosn't want to eat or take his med's till then either, some times doesn't even get up all day and then theres other days he gets up take his meds and coffee but doesn't want anything to eat, and if he does eat all he wants are snack items such as crackers , toast, sweets, he eats a lot of toast and drinks alot of coffee when he does this. Doesn't really want a meal. So sometimes he can't get enough to eat sometimes he doesn't want anything. I don't know if this is normal or not, the hospice nurse doesn't really ever say much when I tell her about his routine. Just that it's got to do with the diseases he has. She doesn't seem to be too concerned about it. Any advice or suggestions or is it just normal? He's been with me almost a year now.

jeannegibbs Jan 2018
I'm not so sure this is seasonal. It could simply be the natural progression of his dementia. He is on hospice. At that stage in the process increased sleeping and lack of interest in food is very common. I think when we called hospice in my husband was sleeping 20 hours a day, and it increased in the weeks ahead. Sometimes he ate, and sometimes he didn't. He liked Popsicles. There is no reason at this point to insist on "nutritious" food. It isn't going to change the outcome of hospice. Dad might as well enjoy food he likes.

Ask for the nurse to explain the process of the body shutting down to you. It will help to understand what is going on. And if this nurse isn't particularly articulate at explaining things, perhaps a session with the social worker would help you.


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