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Dtwoster Asked February 2018

Does my wife have any recourse to the Medicare 100 day SNF limit?

My wife was in a skilled nursing facility for rehab after having back surgery. She fell while there and broke a vetibrae. The SNF only took an X-ray of her hips and not of her back although two days later her right leg started to become immobile. After five days she was in such pain she insisted that she be taken to the ER. An MRI revealed she had a broken vertebrae. Her spine doctor performed surgery and said she was lucky to not be paralyzed. He also said there was considerable bleeding and her spinal cord was badly bruised. He also said the bruising was what was causing the right leg to become immobile. I asked the doctor if her previous back surgeries played any role in her current condition and he said he felt it is a completely separate event. As an additional note the SNF insisted that my wife continue PT and OT during the five days or be released for non participation. Now, after 13 days in the hospital she is going back to a different SNF. Due to her previous stays at an SFC she only has 24 days remaining before she runs out of time. My question is does she have any recourse she can take since she will probably need more than 24 days to be ready to be released and go home?

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2018
Bumping this up


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