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Yiceco Asked February 2018

Help! Never sleeps, walks around like a drunk. I'm afraid if she don't get sleep she will drop and have a heart attack. Any advice?

Because of no sleep always want to be on the go. I know since she's been doing this my blood pressure has gone up to 241/199. I need some very good advice. Help!!!!! She is my mom 89 and lies alot, curses, talks to her self. Very combative. If can't have her way accuse you of holding her against her will and become very evil. She can look just like a demon. None of her personaility she use to have is not there any more. That sweet mom I use to know. These brain diseases is a demon (devil) diseases I would no wish this on anyone. 😭😰😢😥

cwillie Feb 2018
And don't allow the doctor to give you some line about not treating her because of potential medication side effects, make them look at the big picture - that includes the effects on your health.

CTTN55 Feb 2018
And YOU might drop dead if you don't get that blood pressure under control.


geewiz Feb 2018
Adding to Barb's list, thyroid imbalance can also cause issues. Ditto on sugar levels.
AND, get some help before you have a stroke or heart attack. B/P 240/200. You are an accident waiting to happen. GET help TODAY!

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2018
Have you talked to her doctor about her sleep issues and her agitation? Meds may help. Also, if there is a sudden change in her behavior, get her tested for a urinary tract infection. In elders, they can cause behavioral symptoms.


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