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cwashington Asked February 2018

Does a Power of Attorney for my 100 year old dad trump a Guardianship if it is signed and notarized and has two witnesses?

JoAnn29 Feb 2018
I think u r correct 97. You have to give people the right to protest and explain why they don't think the person should get guardianship. I think I had to sign off when my brother received guardianship for nephew.

97yroldmom Feb 2018
Is the state the guardian or another relative? I’ve never filed for guardianship but my understanding is that part of the process is to notify immediate family to appear in court when guardianship request goes before the judge. This notification presumably to give others a chance to present opposition or support.
What is the back story?


Countrymouse Feb 2018
No. But if you're unhappy with the guardianship for some reason you can always try challenging it in court. How did it come about that someone else had to apply for guardianship when your father had already arranged power of attorney? Was the person with POA out of the country or something?

AliBoBali Feb 2018
I'm curious what the situation is that would prompt this question, CWashington, but the short answer is as above: No, guardianship is a higher authority than a POA.

gladimhere Feb 2018


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