It simply blows my mind. My mom with her forgetting within the hour that she had a bowel movement. And she will argue she hasn't gone and if I'm not careful turns into an anxiety attack on her part with bad outbursts, but then it subsides and all is forgotten. The Bayer 81mg helps calm her down. As of late when she breathes she has this wheeze, put an ointment like Vicks on her and goes away. We were just at the doctor and her lungs are clear. Is this another aspect of dementia?
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My mom would wake panting and I got her to do it. Finally she'd close her eyes on a long blow out and go back to sleep. Eventually she caught herself when she saw me coming and started blowing. I'd pretend to get blown back wards and she would smile then.
Vegetables and fruits produced by Big Agra are contaminated with pesticides. When I began wheezing after eating nonorganic cukes in the winter time, I did some research and found that one of the major pesticides can have this effect.
I don't recall the specific chemical; might have be permethrin, and my data base of nonorganic foods is unavailable to me right now so I can't tell you for sure which pesticide it was.
Washing and scrubbing cukes with soap didn't change anything. Pesticides can be absorbed into the fruit and contaminate the whole thing.
But if she eats any nonorganic produce and fruits, do check out the Dirty Dozen. The Environmental Working Group has excellent information on pesticides in food.
And if you don't have a doctor who recognizes how contaminated the American food supply is, don't even bother asking about the pesticides. He/she would probably pooh-pooh this idea. A holistic practitioner would give you better answers. But discontinue the fresh fruits or produce and test them one to one to see which triggers a wheezing response.
Or, as I wish I could do and don't have the facilities yet, create a greenhouse and grow your own fruits and veggies, but that's a major change in house configuration if you want to switch to a completely organic food supply. You could also buy organic food at stores - that's easier.
So, if she says, " oh my, I haven't had a bm", do you say "yes you did?"
If that causes and argument ( because you are denying HER reality) can you say " oh mom, are you feeling uncomfortable? I'm sure you'll have one soon. Would you like a cup of tea?" She may get less fixated if you don't oppose her thinking.
If she is wheezing, I would call the doctor and ask for advice. Pneumonia can come on very quickly.