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Monjean Asked March 2018

My husband has heart trouble, is on strong blood pressure meds, had an aneurysm in 2015 and almost died. Has had two staph infections. He's hallucinating, any advice?

He is 67 years old, sees people in bushes in our yard. I don't see them ever. Sees giant lizards in the yard, said he killed one. Not sure what this is, dementia or is it from the infections? Please help!

cwillie Mar 2018
Monjean, what does his doctor say about all this? Perhaps hubbie is not disclosing these incidents, are you allowed to go in with him?

Monjean Mar 2018
Yes he saw a ship and water when he was in the intensive care. However he has been home for 6 months since. Just starting. He does have Atrial fibrillation too!


Monjean Mar 2018
Yes he saw a ship and water when he was in the intensive care. However he has been home for 6 months since. Just starting. He dies have Atrial fibrillation too!

Veronica91 Mar 2018
It sounds as though not enough blood is getting to his brain and giving him symptoms of vascular dementia. Major infections will also cause you to have hallucinations.
I saw a squirrel in the OR when I was very sick.


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