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jazzing556 Asked March 2018

Can NH make the kids pay if they inquire about Mom's care?

We know nothing about the NH where mom is.. besides where it is located. We do know that mom is 2 weeks post Surgery and still has the staples in, we do know that mom has not see a physician since she left the hospital 2 weeks ago, we do know that she has diabetes and the NH is giving her ice cream. Mom has requested to see a physician and they keep telling her later. The nurses at night tell her to stay in bed and use the diaper and the nurses in the morning yell at her for using the diaper. What should we do? Mom thinks if we ask questions, they will try and make us financially responsible because she is on Medicare and has no money.

OldSailor Mar 2018
In some cases the visiting doctor may only rely on the nurses notes to prescribe care. Happened to my wife while in the hospital and he billed medicare for it.
But while in rehab the doctor actually came into the room and even talked with me about her care.

freqflyer Mar 2018
Jazz, just curious where you are getting this information? By chance is Mom passing on this information? If so, being so close to having what sounds like major surgery, Mom may still be in a fog as it does take awhile for one's brain to clear up.

Why I ask who is telling you this information is because what you write that is happening makes no sense at all. Nursing Homes/Rehab centers all have their own visiting physician or in-house physician. That doctor could have seen your Mom numerous times without your Mom realizing who he/she is the facility doctor.

You need boots on the ground and a friendly chat with the Head Nurse to get accurate information.


jazzing556 Mar 2018
She is on Medicare and they have applied for Medicaid. She signed herself in. We have signed nothing. Would love to just pop over for a visit, but being 3000 miles away makes it tough to do. Planning on going down for Easter. Is it normal not to see a doctor and have the staples removed after 2 weeks?

notrydoyoda Mar 2018
Who signed your mother into the nursing home. Unless you signed something about being responsible for her nursing home bills being paid, they can't bill you just for asking questions. Is she on medicare or medicaid? People often get these two confused. Medicare will only pay for a brief time in a nursing home for rehab after being in the hospital for several days. Medicaid pays for the nursing home because the person lacks the money for it.

It sounds to me that you need to do far more than call with your questions, but actually go there and see what is going on for yourselves.


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