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Thedaughter5 Asked March 2018

How do you not neglect your child by taking care of your sick parent?

My mother has been diagnosed with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure. We currently live with my brother and I still am the one that does everything for her. Not that I am complaining but I have my daughter to care for and I can't do that correctly because I'm caring for my mom full time. I haven't had a job in 2 years now and trying to get one, interferes with my mom's appointments and some with my daughter's school schedule. I try not to become overwhelmed but it happens. And until my mom became sick we had the worse relationship but I managed to stay and fight for it to become better. I really want my life to flourish so that I will not only be able to take care of my daughter but myself as well and live a life that I'm proud of. But I seriously hate that helping my mom makes me at times neglect my daughter she's only 7 and we have conversations because I want to know how she feels and things she has told me only hurts more.

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2018
Why is your mom not in a care center with such a long list of medical frailties?

Grammyteacher Mar 2018
Your daughter should always be your first priority.



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