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travisanti64 Asked March 2018

Can guardians/conservators put all bank accounts in her/their name so they have complete control?

My brothers are conservator/guarantor of Mom's accounts. I believe that they put all of her bank accounts in her OR their name so they can just withdraw the money as they are "part owners" of the accounts. This would have been done after she was deemed incompetent. Is this an ok thing to do?

travisanti64 Mar 2018
Hello, thank you for your response. We are estranged since after my oldest brother passed away- he had money also that I am "hoping" went to Mom as he had no beneficiaries and he went to probate. I don't know what happened but the two remaining brothers got very jealous of my relationship with Mom (only girl). So, we don't speak anymore :-(. I have tried but they aren't interested. I have no idea if they have any restrictions. They do an annual report that I have received by mail. They sold her house sometime in the past two years- the money was put in her account for the sale but I have no idea what happened to her (and even my dear brothers- as he lived in the lower level of her home) belongings as I was never told. Since they have her accounts in both of their names now that she passed I think they will just cash out the accounts and split her assets between them and I will get a final guardianship report that she has no assets and that will be that. From the last report after assisted living is paid current she should have at least 200,000 remaining. They are very sneaky about all of that. I sent "their guardianship attorney" a request to get a copy of her current will/trust (as I believe they made a new will since she became incompetent) but they did not respond to my request. I filed a demand for notice with the county to be notified of any probate - but if they have everything in a trust now, there would be no probate? I don't care for me I have 3 children that Mom loved a lot and they should be able to get "my share" for their inheritance that I would give to them. I talked to an attorney and she thought it would cost about 30 grand to do anything and honestly, the pain and heartbreak of this plus I don't have any money for an attorney- would not be worth it. One of my brothers is very wealthy and he knows I can't compete with his finances to get an attorney. Mom would be so sad to know this is happening. She wrote a letter asking their be "no fighting" over money after she passes as she had seen so many families divided over money - little did she know that they are doing this. I miss her beyond belief and just want her to RIP so I will probably just let them have her assets and go on with my life.

OldSailor Mar 2018
By order of the court in Clark County Nevada, I cannot, as Guardian for DW, withdraw more than $250.00 from DW's savings account in any month. My name is on the account as guardian. I do not have the same restriction on her checking account unless the balance of the checking account reaches or exceeds $10K. So when it gets near 10K I write a check and put the excess into her savings account.
The $250 amount I am allowed to spend on a monthly basis is for her necessities. And I must keep receipts and file an annual statement of expenses and projected expenses for the next year. Every dime must be accounted for, unless she decides to go out and play the slots here (as entertainment) which she has not done in months now.
Were any restrictions placed on them for withdrawals? Do they have to annually report expenses and/or costs to anyone?


gladimhere Mar 2018
Guardian's and conservators cannot change a will. Mom is the only one that can do that and if incompetent a lawyer would not do it.

travisanti64 Mar 2018
Mom passed away last week and how does her money get distributed after her passing since the accounts are all in Mom and their names? I believe they also changed her will and took me out of it. Do they still honor her will or do they just get all her money as the accounts are all in their names? That is the reason I asked as I believe they are just going to cash out all of her accounts now regardless of her requests in her will.

Countrymouse Mar 2018
It is a necessary thing to do.

If your mother has been formally deemed incompetent, then legally she cannot operate her own bank accounts, nor enter into a contract for goods or services. So they have to do it for her.

Is there anything about how they are managing your mother's money that worries you?

gladimhere Mar 2018
You believe? This a regular practice as it makes transactions for mom's benefit much more efficient and less confusing for those being paid.


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