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anonomus Asked April 2018

Why does my grandma hate me?

My grandmother does not hit me alot. When she does it does not hurt because she is weak, but my dad always takes her side and I get in trouble. I cry every single day. I just do not know what to do. When I am sick she says it is something wrong with me today. Then my dad says him, me, and my brother are moving without them. We go to get the house and my dad lied and told my grandma we could not get it because there was something wrong with the septic tank because she cried when we try to leave. Whenever me and her get into an argument she always tells me that this is her house but she does not want us to leave I am just confused. Me and my grandma just do not get along. Please give me advice.

JoAnn29 Apr 2018
I got they live with Gma and Dad keeps telling her he is getting his own place and then changes his mind.

Freqflyer has said it well. But it seems that Dad has his own problems with her. I agree with FF but, unless Gma has a form of Dementia, then it may be time for a sit down. I don't believe that because she isn't happy with her life that she has a right to be nasty. Yes, it's her home but you are there to help make things easier for her. If she has Dementia, then you all are going to have to be patient. She cannot control her feelings. She can no longer reason. Arguing will get you nowhere. Just go along with her and when she starts hitting, walk away. Read up on Dementia.

If not Dementia related than maybe you can nicely tell her that her hitting and hollering at you makes you feel bad about yourself. That when she does these things, you will leave. Its called setting boundries. No one deserves to be abused by anyone.

freqflyer Apr 2018
anonomus, try to step into your Grandma's life for a few minutes to see how life is for her. It's not easy. If Grandmother is in her later years, she probably cannot drive anymore, nor go out with her friends as they probably moved away or had passed on. How long ago did Grandfather leave the house [either by leaving on his own or he had passed]. If he died, then your Grandmother is still missing the love of her life.

If Grandmother is older, then she has a lot of aches and pains. Her eyesight may be fading, so is her hearing. Walking may be difficult. Food doesn't taste as good because as we age we do tend to lose our sense of taste. Anyway, you get the idea.

Ask Grandma if there is anything you can do for her. She may say no, but ask again the next day. Try not to argue with her. If she says something outlandish, just play along with her, as she may have memory issues.

I couldn't follow you regarding the "house". Who's house are you and your Dad and brother living in? What do you mean by "getting the house"?


JoAnn29 Apr 2018
Stay away from her. Keep to your room and find extra curricular things to keep you busy. I know this will be hard, but explain to your Dad she can't keep hitting you. It is a type of abuse. Even adults don't need to put up with it. If this is something new, then Gma may need some medication for anxiety.

smeshque Apr 2018
Dorianne's has good advice.

Dorianne Apr 2018
I am not sure what to say that will help, but if you are under 19, I do suggest you call the Child Helpline and talk to someone there.

If you are outside the USA, you can find a child helpline near you here:

Do you know if your grandma has dementia? Is this new behaviour or has she always been like this?

smeshque Apr 2018
anonomus- are you old enough to move out?


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